Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Vacation tickers

Sunday, May 30, 2010


The 3rd family flew in this morning and we met at dinner. What a great group we are if I do say so myself. If you're following along, the F family will now be known as Susan's Family ( NOT to be confused with SUSAN, our guide) and we now have Jan's family. We all had dinner tonight at a Malaysian Restaurant. No comment, I'm a chicken, potato and bread kinda gal. But if I stayed another 3 weeks, I'd come home thin :) We had fun, we all get along great and tomorrow the families will get their children. They're all so excited and nervous. They were practicing Mandarin phrases at dinner. They're so much better than me, I know 3 phrases and that's it. Of course I brought my own translator with me :) I'm glad my Gotcha Day is a week behind me.

My girls are in their jammies and fooling around. Hannah is like one of the kids now, running around and giggling and teasing Meg. Meg's busy making PIG sounds for Hannah. Oh Ya, we're a classy family :) Last night Hannah was telling Meg her bum has a lot of farts. We told her no, we don't say farts ( in chinese maybe it sounds better, I don't know) we told her we say, "your bum burps". That's Paisley's term.

Time to skype daddy, I hear him calling.

Breakfast with the gang at 9 AM. More pics tomorrow.

Thanks for all the emails and comments, I LOVE them!!
Also, spellcheck is NOT working so you will have to excuse all the typos nd misspellings, I'm trying to type this before the internet goes down..It's always going down :(
Here's our travel group at dinner tonight.
PS: did you notice Hannah's pearls are still on? Every picture..I already got my $3 worth :)
and I did buy her an extra set for when they break.


Tammie said...

What a treat to follow you around in China! I can't wait for when we go back with Erin.

It looks as if Meg is having a blast being in China again but happy to know that she's coming home soon. She & Hannah have made a wonderful connection.

Looking forward to seeing the whole Poko pack together!

Sammy said...

I'm so glad you're having fun! I better too. Here that Teri and Jan?! It looks like you got a great little daughter Sandy.

Candy said...

Love the pearls on Hannah. She's a girly girl.

Looking forward to hearing more.

Hope Mike is doing well at home. He hasn't called me, but I really didn't expect him to.

ourchinagirls said...

Would love to follow your other families on their trips too! Do they have blogs? You will be their "go to" person for help since you are such a pro!

You are just making me want our TA right NOW!!
