Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Vacation tickers

Wednesday, May 26, 2010


Today after breakfast we went shopping. I wanted to buy a few things for the orphanage when we visited today. We went to a local shop not far from our hotel since there is no WALMART in Guangzhou. So, we're shopping and I'm noticing GREAT VALUE printed on the boxes. Now, I'm a conniseur of WALMART food shopping, having 6 kids at home, so I know Walmart when I see it. Of course when we checked out and the reusable pink bags said WAL MART on them, it was a little obvious. Anyhow, we bought 5 big bags of Pampers and cookies & candy to take to the orphanage in the afternoon along with the things we brought from home and the 100 bracelets Meg and her sisters made for the girls at GSWI. As you can see, our cart was overflowing. There was one thing I forgot though, my SUV wasn't parked outside, we had to schlepp all that "stuff" all the way back to the hotel.

1 comment:

Sammy said...

I'm so glad you're having a great trip! How blessed are you!!