Daisypath - Personal pictureDaisypath Vacation tickers

Friday, June 4, 2010


Yes, we made it to Hong Kong...They DID allow us to stay on the plane and I DID decide to keep her, but it was iffy for a few minutes :o

I even bought her a few things from THE DISNEY STORE at the HK Airport. And yes, she had another tantrum when she woke up. She refused to wear her green jacket and refused to leave the hotel room. Now, I would have also liked to stay in a hotel and NOT get on a plane for 15+ hours, but we have to go home! Wouldn't Mike have loved that phone call? " Hannah won't get on the plane, sorry honey, we'll be staying in Hong Kong indefinately. SEND $$$."
I added a pic of the view from our room at the Royal Hotel in the HK Airport. As you can see, their weather is no better than Guangzhou's, oh, and the green jacket IS ON!!!

1 comment:

Candy said...

I had to laugh at the part about calling Mike to say you are staying in HK and to send $$$'s.